
Eversource provides electricity to 1.28 million, gas to 251,000, and water to 217,000 customers in Connecticut. With 9,900 employees, Eversource aims to deliver reliable energy and water with superior service. The top U.S. energy efficiency provider, it promotes a clean energy future with solutions like solar, wind, EVs, and battery storage.


May 29, 2024
Piclo Launches Grid Flexibility Marketplace Pilot in Connecticut
Piclo Launches Grid Flexibility Marketplace Pilot in Connecticut

Piclo Flex will be used to run a grid flexibility marketplace in predefined areas within Connecticut that can help mitigate grid constraints. By introducing a cloud-based, competitive marketplace to connect buyers of flexibility (the EDCs) with sellers of flexibility (Flexibility Service Providers or FSPs, e.g. DER Aggregators), this project aims to increase DER penetration and companies available to provide flexibility by consolidating them on a single platform, enabling multiple use cases beyond peak shaving. The pilot phase will involve customizing the existing Piclo Flex product to Connecticut’s grid, identifying use cases, running multiple auctions, and testing dispatch and settlement protocols with EDCs and FSPs.

This program was launched via the inaugural cycle of the Innovative Energy Solutions program (IES) in Connecticut. The IES program is a statewide initiative to identify, pilot, and scale innovative ideas that enable a decarbonized, affordable, and equitable electric grid for Connecticut. The IES program provides resources and support for the implementation of innovation projects. Projects that demonstrate benefits, cost-effectiveness, and scalability will have the opportunity to be deployed at scale.

The IES program is operated by the Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) with Strategen as Program Administrator, and support from the Innovation Advisory Council (IAC) and the two EDCs - Eversource and UI.

Learn more about the IES program