Several factors such as growing renewable generation in Scotland are set to increase power transfers across the Scottish boundaries, with a corresponding forecast in thermal constraints and ultimately costs to the end consumer.
We are exploring the development of a new Local Constraint Market to access new sources of flexibility to help manage our most constrained boundaries at and above the B6 boundary
The B6 boundary separates the transmission network at the SP Transmission and National Grid Transmission interface, running roughly along the border between Scotland and England.
We’re keen to develop a market that facilitates access to new providers of flexibility and provide competition to the Balancing Mechanism – and so complementing our existing market for the majority of transmission constraint management. We see this local constraint market working alongside existing ESO and DNO approaches and providing visibility, flexibility and coordinated control through appropriate systems and processes.
LCM will play another part in ESO’s role to:
For updates in ESO services, subscribe to National Grid ESO's Future of Balancing Services newsletter for more information
Further information from the ESO on the LCM is published here
You can find out more about Thermal Constraints here:
Note: For Flexibility Service Providers who are not already an approved Ancillary Service Provider and as such are not set up in the NGESO Settlements and Finance system, please complete the 'New Service Provider Form' and send to the email address referenced within the form. Further guidance for completing this form can be found here: 'New Provider Guidance Document'
Please find the consultation for more answers:
Please visit our website for more information: